The primary goal of the Do CHANGE project is to develop a health ecosystem for integrated disease management for Cardiovascular patients. Do CHANGE is funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 program.
Do CHANGE (Do Cardiac Health: Advanced New Generation Ecosystem) is a research and development project funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 programme. The objective is to improve health and reduce risks for patients with heart disease or heart failure. The patient receives behavioural prompts designed by psychologists that encourage him or her to make the changes the cardiology team suggest. The system takes account of a range of near real-time measurements including the patient’s nutrition, health indices, and behaviour.
Onmi's role
A key element of the Do CHANGE approach is to dynamically integrate behaviour change with the gathering of real-time behavioural data. Devices to measure cooking and drinking behaviour are designed and developed by Onmi and its partners Eurecat and ITRI. Together with Do Something Different, Onmi also focusses on the interpretation of personal data and provided actionable behavioural prompts called Do’s. This included behavioural, physiological and symptomatic patient data, but also input from healthcare professionals.
The consortium of the Do CHANGE project consists of partners from Europe and Taiwan. It is a group of ten partners coming from both the public and private sector. The group has expertise in health, technology and data-care. Within this diversity of cultures the project attempts to create a globally relevant tool to improve health and wellbeing. This also accompanies economic and social advantages.
Project outcomes
ToDo behaviour change programma
Onmi created the ToDo program in collaboration with Do Something Different Ltd. ToDo is a cloud-based behaviour change service. The program enables you to reach your full potential and achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle. By learning new behaviours – we call it becoming more behaviourally flexible – you have more choice over how you react to different situations. You’ll have more capacity to either cope or take on new challenges. This leaves you less stressed, more effective and open to new adventures.
Vire app 1.0
The ToDo program is delivered through Vire, developed in collaboration with University of Technology Eindhoven. This app visualises your scores in the main variables and provides you with the personalised Do’s.

Together with Eurecat we developed COOKiT: a smart spatula that helps you adopt healthy cooking habits.
The device contains sensors that identify cooking gestures and analyse your food quality based on salt content. A supporting smartphone application visualises the cooking data, captures meal pictures, and provides recipes. Algorithms interpret your cooking data in order to provide personalised Do’s (or micro behavioural alternatives). COOKiT encourages you to cook and enjoy a healthy meal from scratch, using fresh ingredients, together with the people you love.
MySleeve is a non-invasive device that helps you adopt healthy drinking habits. It acquires data on drinking behaviour and visualises these insights through a smartphone application. MySleeve is made of flexible thermoplastic and can be wrapped around common sized cups and bottles. It is equipped with capacitive sensors that measure the liquid level in the vessel it wraps around. The app shows water intake over the past 24 hours and the amount that can still be consumed within the limit.
General drinking behaviours are measured as well: f.e. the time of day when most are consumed, the time at which the limit is often reached, and general adherence to the restrictions. These general habits are measured for personalisation of the supporting behaviour change programme.
The project received €4,711,000 funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Actions programme under agreement No. 643735.